
Geared transmission basics

Geared transmissions are present in many sectors. See what geared transmissions are, the parameters of their design, and the materials used to manufacture them.

Tips to keep in mind when buying gears

Consejos para comprar engranajes

Buying gears can be a difficult task if you don’t have the basic knowledge on the types of devices out on the market and the characteristics that set them apart from each other. There is a wide range of gears that can be categorized based on the material that they are made of, their design … Read more…

Multi-material injection moulding: main techniques and advantages

multi-material injection moulding

Multi-material injection moulding (overinjection) is one of the most widespread technologies for manufacturing plastic components. The process is based on the injection of two or more materials in a single mould and process. In this article we will analyse its various techniques as well as the advantages it can offer for the production of personalised parts.

The best electromechanical engineering projects of 2016

electromechanical engineering

During this past 2016, thanks to innovations in the electromechanics sector, projects which a few years ago would have been confined to science fiction have been developed. In this article of CLR’s blog we recap the best electromechanical engineering projects 2016 brought us.

3D printed injection moulds: advantages and limitations

injection moulds

The use of 3D printing for manufacturing injection moulds allows for prototypes to be made quickly and with high precision. The purpose of this system is accelerating and perfecting the design of the final part before mass production. In this article we analyse the advantages and disadvantages of this revolutionary system which is gradually being … Read more…